Biografia professionale
Professore Ordinario Anestesiologia presso l'Università di Trento e Direttore della UOC di Anestesia e Rianimazione dell' Ospedale Santa Chiara di Trento dal febbraio 2023. Dopo la laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, conseguita nel 2001, si è specializzato in Anestesia e Rianimazione nel 2005. Nel 2003-2004 è stato research fellow presso il Massachusetts General Hospital di Boston e nel 2010 ha conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca in Tecnologie Biomediche. Dal 2008 al 2023 è stato dapprima Ricercatore, poi Professore Associato, presso l’università Milano Bicocca e Dirigente Medico in convenzione presso l’unità di Anestesia e Rianimazione della ASST di Monza. È autore di circa 250 pubblicazioni indicizzate, cinque brevetti ed ha pubblicato il volume "Mechanical Ventilation: from pathophysiology to clinical evidence" in qualità di Editor. Anche grazie a queste competenze, ha tenuto oltre 200 conferenze su invito a congressi internazionali.
Attività e interessi di ricerca
Fisiopatologia dell’insufficienza respiratoria acuta, ventilazione artificiale invasiva (tecniche e monitoraggio), ventilazione non invasiva. Svezzamento dalla ventilazione, gestione delle vie aeree nel paziente critico, sepsi e shock settico, interazione cuore-polmone nel paziente critico.
Società Italiana di Anestesia Analgesia Rianimazione e Terapia Intensiva (SIAARTI)
University of Galway
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM)
Università di Torino
Università di Milano-Bicocca
University of Toronto
Pubblicazioni scelte
Docci M, Rezoagli E, Teggia-Droghi M, Coppadoro A, Pozzi M, Grassi A, Bianchi I, Foti G, Bellani G. Individual response in patient's effort and driving pressure to variations in assistance during pressure support ventilation. Ann Intensive Care. 2023 Dec 20;13(1):132.
Amado-Rodríguez L, Rodríguez-Garcia R, Bellani G, Pham T, Fan E, Madotto F, Laffey JG, Albaiceta GM; LUNG SAFE investigators. Mechanical ventilation in patients with cardiogenic pulmonary edema: a sub-analysis of the LUNG SAFE study. J Intensive Care. 2022 Dec 25;10(1):55. doi: 10.1186/s40560-022-00648-x.
Coppadoro A, Paratico L, Bellani G. A Recirculation System to Reduce the Consumption of Oxygen During CPAP. Respir Care. 2022
Rezoagli E, Bastia L, Grassi A, Chieregato A, Langer T, Grasselli G, Caironi P, Pradella A, Santini A, Protti A, Fumagalli R, Foti G, Bellani G. Paradoxical Effect of Chest Wall Compression on Respiratory System Compliance: A Multicenter Case Series of Patients With ARDS, With Multimodal Assessment. Chest. 2021 Oct;160(4):1335-1339.
Russotto V, Myatra SN, Laffey JG, Tassistro E, Antolini L, Bauer P, Lascarrou JB, Szuldrzynski K, Camporota L, Pelosi P, Sorbello M, Higgs A, Greif R, Putensen C, Agvald-Öhman C, Chalkias A, Bokums K, Brewster D, Rossi E, Fumagalli R, Pesenti A, Foti G, Bellani G; INTUBE Study Investigators. Intubation Practices and Adverse Peri-intubation Events in Critically Ill Patients From 29 Countries. JAMA. 2021 Mar 23;325(12):1164-1172. doi: 10.1001/jama.2021.1727.
Madotto F, McNicholas B, Rezoagli E, Pham T, Laffey JG, Bellani G; LUNG SAFE Investigators; ESICM Trials Group. Death in hospital following ICU discharge: insights from the LUNG SAFE study. Crit Care. 2021 Apr 13;25(1):144
Bellani G, Grasselli G, Cecconi M, et al. COVID-19 Lombardy ICU Network. Noninvasive Ventilatory Support of COVID-19 Patients Outside the Intensive Care Units (WARd-COVID). Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2021 Jan 4.
Pham T, Pesenti A, Bellani G, Rubenfeld G, Fan E, Bugedo G, Lorente JA, Fernandes ADV, Van Haren F, Bruhn A, Rios F, Esteban A, Gattinoni L, Larsson A, McAuley DF, Ranieri M, Thompson BT, Wrigge H, Brochard LJ, Laffey JG; LUNG SAFE Investigators and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Trials Group. Outcome of Acute Hypoxaemic Respiratory Failure. Insights from the Lung Safe Study. Eur Respir J. 2020 Dec 17:2003317.
Magliocca A, Rezoagli E, Zani D, Manfredi M, De Giorgio D, Olivari D, Fumagalli F, Langer T, Avalli L, Grasselli G, Latini R, Pesenti A, Bellani G, Ristagno G. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation-Associated Lung Edema (CRALE) – A Translational Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021 Feb 15;203(4):447-457.
Coppo A, Bellani G, Winterton D, Di Pierro M, Soria A, Faverio P, Cairo M, Mori S, Messinesi G, Contro E, Bonfanti P, Benini A, Valsecchi MG, Antolini L, Foti G. Feasibility and physiological effects of prone positioning in non- intubated patients with acute respiratory failure due to COVID-19 (PRON-COVID): a prospective cohort study. Lancet Respir Med. 2020 Aug;8(8):765-774
Coppadoro A, Grassi A, Giovannoni C, Rabboni F, Eronia N, Bronco A, Foti G, Fumagalli R, Bellani G. Occurrence of pendelluft under pressure support ventilation in patients who failed a spontaneous breathing trial: an observational study. Ann Intensive Care. 2020 Apr 7;10(1):39. doi: 10.1186/s13613-020-00654-y. PubMed PMID: 32266600.
Bellani G, Grassi A, Sosio S, Gatti S, Kavanagh BP, Pesenti A, Foti G. Driving Pressure is associated with Outcome during Assisted Ventilation in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Anesthesiology, 2019 Sep;131(3):594-604
Laffey JG, Bellani G, Pham T, Fan E, Madotto F, Bajwa EK, Brochard L, Clarkson K, Esteban A, Gattinoni L, van Haren F, Heunks LM, Kurahashi K, Laake JH, Larsson A, McAuley DF, McNamee L, Nin N, Qiu H, Ranieri M, Rubenfeld GD, Thompson BT, Wrigge H, Slutsky AS, Pesenti A; LUNG SAFE Investigators and the ESICM Trials Group.. Potentially modifiable factors contributing to outcome from acute respiratory distress syndrome: the LUNG SAFE study. Intensive Care Med. 2016 Dec;42(12):1865-1876.
Bellani G, Laffey JG, Pham T, Madotto F, Fan E, Brochard L, Esteban A, Gattinoni L, Bumbasirevic V, Piquilloud L, van Haren F, Larsson A, McAuley DF, Bauer PR, Arabi YM, Ranieri M, Antonelli M, Rubenfeld GD, Thompson BT, Wrigge H, Slutsky AS, Pesenti A; LUNG SAFE Investigators.; ESICM Trials Group.. Noninvasive Ventilation of Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Insights from the LUNG SAFE Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2017 Jan 1;195(1):67-77.
Bellani G, Laffey JG, Pham T, Fan E, Brochard L, Esteban A, Gattinoni L, van Haren F, Larsson A, McAuley DF, Ranieri M, Rubenfeld G, Thompson BT, Wrigge H, Slutsky AS, Pesenti A; LUNG SAFE Investigators; ESICM Trials Group. Epidemiology, Patterns of Care, and Mortality for Patients With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Intensive Care Units in 50 Countries. JAMA. 2016 Feb 23;315(8):788-800.
Bellani G, Coppadoro A, Patroniti N, Turella M, Arrigoni Marocco S, Grasselli G, Mauri T, Pesenti A. Clinical assessment of auto-positive end-expiratory pressure by diaphragmatic electrical activity during pressure support and neurally adjusted ventilatory assist. Anesthesiology. 2014 Sep;121(3):563-71.
Bellani G, Guerra L, Musch G, Zanella A, Patroniti N, Mauri T, Messa C, Pesenti A. Lung regional metabolic activity and gas volume changes induced by tidal ventilation in patients with acute lung injury. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011 May 1;183(9):1193-9
Bellani G, Foti G, Spagnolli E, Milan M, Zanella A, Greco M, Patroniti N, Pesenti A. Increase of oxygen consumption during a progressive decrease of ventilatory support is lower in patients failing the trial in comparison with those who succeed. Anesthesiology. 2010 Aug;113(2):378-85.
Bellani G, Messa C, Guerra L, Spagnolli E, Foti G, Patroniti N, Fumagalli R, Musch G, Fazio F, Pesenti A. Lungs of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome show diffuse inflammation in normally aerated regions: a [18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose PET/CT study. Crit Care Med. 2009 Jul;37(7):2216-22
Musch G, Bellani G, Vidal Melo MF, Harris RS, Winkler T, Schroeder T, Venegas JG. Relation between shunt, aeration, and perfusion in experimental acute lung injury. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2008; 177:292-300